My Favorite Self Tanner!
Howdy! I have always wanted to self tan but, I was afraid of messing up and turning orange or splotchy. This winter I finally decided to do the research and find out other options besides the foam self-tanner. after hours of watching videos and looking up products I bought one. I bought the Tan-Luxe self tanning drops. The drops work by added some to your everyday body lotion. You can also customize how tan you want to be using the drop chart. I personally use 4 drops on my body, 6 drops on my legs, and 2 drops on my face. I have already received compliments on how natural my tan looks. I have no lines or splotchy spots. The number one way to make it look natural it to massage it in really well and in a circle motion. It looks so good and I couldn't be happier with my first self-tanning experience. I purchased mine from Amazon and got it within a few days. I have the product linked below!
Tan-Luxe Self Tanning Drops-
Tanologist Drops (cheaper option) -
